It seems like weeks since I updated the blog - actually, it is! The BRadshaws went down well at the Tempest, and we're hoping for an excellent night at Gayle Mill on Saturday too. It's a completely unique venue, which I think lends itself perfectly to the Bradshaws. For tickets take a look at the What's On guide on the Fresh Radio website.
I must extend many thanks to everyone involved in the final events organised by the former club committee at Rolls Royce Leisure. Masterbrian was quieter than we'd hoped, but we did make over £350 for our chosen charity. Special thanks go to Stuart Hyde, deputy chief constable with Cumbria Police. He not only came along to present the trophies, but actually co-presented the quiz with me! John Middleton and Judith did the usual fantastic job with a very complex scoring system, and I reckon the whole thing went remarkably smoothly. Avril Hardisty and her family put in an excellent effort with their halloween outfits, and Avril won the prize for the best one, as voted by the audience!
I'm hoping to be able to sit back and relax for a while after the coming weekend, but I'm not holding my breath!